Monday, February 15, 2016

Barbara's valentine

Why the Weather is milder in Raleigh NC than in other places

Once upon a time, there was a person that was going to need a team of guardian angels that was going to enter this world.  The guardian angels decided just to send one of the angels to earth to support this person if needed.  We will call this person “Thomas” and the Angel just “BB.”  The challenge as you all know is when angels fall to earth, they forget they are angels. So while this angel was young, they planted in her a few ideas that would increase the chances that the angel would meet Thomas one day. For example, BB had the thought as a little girl, “Raleigh, I want to live there one day” while watching the Andy Griffith Show, and they knew that Thomas would live in Raleigh for most of his adult life.  

Every day as a young man Thomas was interested in the fabric of life-reality, what is the purpose of his life and why is he here. Then one day he realized that no one was going to come along and give him his purpose. Like a late delivery man that comes to your door, rings the doorbell, and says, “So sorry I am 35 years late but here is the purpose of your life” and hands you a book. Well, Thomas did not naturally do well in school because he learned differently from the way most other people did. This filled Thomas with a lot of self-doubt and concern about his own value in his early years before he discovered his unique gifts.  

One day he met BB at a party at his house and they hit it off like they had known each other forever. Her friend recommended she not go out with him for he was too different and did not match her friend’s idea of “normal”.

Because of that they did not date but stayed friends. A hidden bond could not be broken that had been started before he was born. They stayed friends through different relationships. Never flirting just friends. Thomas had decided that being alone was better than being in the wrong relationship. He wrote up what he wanted in a relationship, what he had to offer, and what he needed to work on to be a better partner to this imagined partner.

Because of making peace with being alone and sticking to his plan to focus on himself, he continued with his life but always stayed in touch with BB. He even invited her to join him in a business accountability group called the “Samurai Business Team.” For years the friendship continued mostly by phone and the occasional meeting until finally one day she was talking to him about someone she was about to break up with.  Thomas found that BB was not being appreciated by this guy to the level he thought she should be. Out of the blue, Thomas said, “look--I got stood up for my date plans Saturday night and you need a break from this ending relationship. Why don’t you let me take you out?” Thomas was almost shocked by what he said but it felt right and she said “Great!”

Later they found out that night was also a special lunar eclipse with an interesting feel to it. Even before they met that night they both had very different feelings about each other coming up to the surface, activated by Thomas’s other guardian angels. You see, the guardian angels were working in the background, waiting for the optimal time.    

When they met at Thomas’ house before going out, Thomas was not fully aware of the ways things were changing between them, and said, “we need to talk before we go out.”  He expressed his deep appreciation for their friendship and the safety of its clear boundaries. He also acknowledged the new feelings arising and expressed his concern for the risk they were considering. BB acknowledged that she also noticed the many changes between them. Knowing that there are no guarantees, they agreed to declare this a date, then if things did not work out, they would stay friends.

They started dating and one day while he was going to his volunteer activity his neighbor asked him whether she was the one he has been looking for. Thomas remembered he had told his neighbor about writing the description of what he wanted in a partner years earlier. He looked up the write-up on his computer just before he left for the volunteering and decided to send it to BB. Then after volunteering he called her on the phone driving home and when she answered she was in tears. Thomas realized at that moment having her read it before he reviewed it may not have been the wisest thing. He asked what was wrong and she spoke through the tears, “it’s me.”  “I read what you wrote and the person you said you wanted to meet one day is me!” I suspect that the guardian angels had something to do with this.

After a number of years of dating, they got married. Now Thomas’s guardian angels feel better because one of them is with him all the time. They are happy also because an angel lives in the Raleigh NC area, and that is why the weather is milder in Raleigh NC than in other areas of the country.

The real name of “Thomas” is Martin Brossman and the real name of “BB” is Barbara Brossman.

by Martin Brossman - 2-14-2016

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